Sunday, May 18, 2008

May already? How did that happen? (I know, I know, the earth kept rotating. But I swear it's speeding up!)

First off, I apologize for my month-long hiatus from the blog. In my defense, I was running around the country having way too much fun to think about writing. Ok, actually, I just haven’t had much internet access, and the few minutes I have had I thought were better spent with emails. Anyway, now that I have found the public library near work that has Wi-fi, it appears that problem has been solved.

I’m hoping to write about my trip, but I need to organize things (pictures, etc) before that can really happen, so it will probably come in installments. In the meantime, enjoy the following random story:

Sometimes when I go through the checkout line at a grocery store or drugstore, I like to look at what people are buying and try to figure out what they’re up to that day. A stressed-out looking mom buying plastic forks and paper plates at a drugstore for twice the price at a grocery store is probably in a big rush and took the closest thing she could. Child’s birthday party, perhaps?
Anyway, it’s a fun way to people watch.

I had to laugh at myself yesterday as I picked up a couple things at the store before heading home after work. I had been in town either feeding the fish or running errands since 8:30, and it was then about 7:00 at night. I wear clothes I don’t care about at work, so I was wearing a t-shirt and black sweatpants. My hair was a bit of a mess from running around all day and not bothering to fix it (I don’t think the fish really care what I look like). I looked, and was, tired.
I realized that if there are any other people out there who like to people watch like I do, and if they saw me with my purchases, it wouldn’t be very hard to figure out what I was up to for the evening.

The three things I bought?

Leg wax, Disney’s Enchanted (I’ve wanted it for a little while, and I rationalized it as an early birthday present), and a Toblerone bar. I’m not sure you can say “Girl’s night in” any better than that.

And yes, I did watch the movie while waxing my legs and munching some tasty chocolate. A Saturday night well spent. And my legs are so smooth.... :)


R Smith said...

Hmmm... these "girls nights in" sound fun, I'll have to try one some day. only I think I'll watch Rambo and eat ribs. Happy Birthday!!!

Rebekah Wood said...

Ha ha, I need to start people-watching. I do it at airports. When I was flying back from Christmas Break I saw this missionary walk from one end of the terminal to the other like 10 times. (I was there a while and so was he.) He just had this weird look on his face...kind of maybe a culture shock? He must have been going home.
Have fun with the fish! And more girl's nights! Are you in a flat? Roommates? Solo?

Jess said...

I love that you had a girls night that is awesome. I love people watching although I have to admit I have never done it at the grocery store. Nice work.