Wednesday, July 4, 2012

So, it's been a long time.

I caught up with a good friend from college last night, and we chatted about, well, MANY things (tears of laughter started after only about 5 minutes of conversation... yep, it was THAT good).  But we chatted about her blog and how it's fun to read.  She reminded me that I technically still have mine, and that even though I haven't written in years, she still stops by to feed the fish.  This is a very good thing, as it is clear that I haven't been doing that, and I was very happy to log on tonight and see that they are still there.  Whew!  Didn't kill the fish.  Teags, I owe you big time.

Blogger has changed their style since I last wrote.  I was very curious about the stats report that you can read about your blog - telling you how many people visit your blog, etc.  I expected the numbers to be near zero, haha, but I was surprised to see that I actually have quite a few hits.  After some rooting around through the stats, I've discovered that apparently my Macgyvered Blackberry Dump Cake recipe is relatively popular (fun party trick: google "blackberry dump cake"; my blog is in the top ten results!  I'm practically famous).  Also, I have had more visits from people in Germany than any other country.  I can only assume that Germans really like reading about Blackberry Dump Cake.

This reminds me that I have a bag of frozen blueberries in my freezer that should be used somehow... 

1 comment:

Lunicrax said...

yey! I read it too!