Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Geek Alert!!

So, last night, I found myself cramming (as often happens) to prepare an informative speech for my public speaking class.  Before you think I am a complete slacker, I *did* choose my topic a few days ago.  I just hadn't written our what I would say.  Or put together the power points.  Or practiced.  No matter.  A grand effort from 11 pm to ten to six this morning proved sufficient, and I presented in my 9 am class to critical acclaim (none of my classmates fell asleep while I was talking).  I talked about how penicillin works, which I think is one of the coolest things ever, but that is a topic for another day (actually, I'm quite proud of my power points, I might try to post them on here.  I used pacman screen shots to illustrate phagocytosis.  Hehe.).  Anyway, while searching for some suitable images to use in the presentation, I came across this gem:
I had to stifle the loud laugh that wanted to come out; my roommate was sleeping peacefully on the other side of the room.  But it just makes me giddy with joy.  Hehehe.  Yes, I am clearly a bio geek.


Rebekah Wood said...

Yah...geek/nerd/scientist. Mwa ha ha!

Kyoo said...

Ummmmm, I clearly am not a bio geek. There was no laugh to stifle. Only a quizzical look. But I thought the picture was cute!

Haha, I also enjoyed seeing you post "all-nighter". How is the skirt working for you? Did you use a licorice rope to tie it?

If you didn't, do not complain to me about being hungry at church.....

Elizabeth said...

Yeah, that's the sad part about uber-geeky jokes... they're only funny if you are a geek in that specific field. I'll explain it to you sometime though, then there will be many laughs that you may or may not want to stifle.
I wore my fantastic new skirt today... it's very flowy. And therefore cool. Sadly, I have not been able to go to the store lately to get licorice rope. So, I was hungry during church. Again. For the 50 millionth time in my life. But at this point, it's my own fault for not taking advantage of the storage capabilities of the skirt...

Jess said...

I thought it was pretty funny! It is cool to be a geek anyway!!

Paul Pincus said...


Love this ; )