Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Study Break

So, I'm writing this, not because I'm taking a study break, but because it's about something that happened during a study break. I had a calculus final last Friday (and I am SO glad it's over! But that's another post... that I may or may not ever get around to writing), and spent all of Thursday in my room cramming. I started around 10:00 in the morning, and paused for some snacks here and there, but around 4:00, I decided that I needed to get outside for some exercise. This, of course, meant that I had to change out of my pyjamas. But I didn't want to put too much effort in to this, so I pulled on my gym shorts (ah, the Hart) and one of my bigger t-shirts (you know, the kind you wear to lounge around your house instead of out to the movies). Anyway, I set out for a walk/run through the neighbourhood, and it was really nice to get outside. It was a pretty warm day, so I was sweating in no time (not to mention my lack of physical fitness, haha). After a while, I realized that the people I was passing on the street were giving me some funny looks. I kept wogging (walk-jogging), and it kept happening. Finally I pieced it all together. The t-shirt I had happened to throw on is from my favourite bakery in Rexburg: The Cocoa Bean (they make the most amazing cupcakes and I miss them much more than is probably healthy). The t-shirt is red and looks like this:

And I realized that, from their perspective they see a pale, sweaty, out-of-breath girl wogging down the street, wearing an "I heart Cupcakes" shirt.

And I'm pretty sure at least one of them thought: "Well, there's your first problem".

Ba ha ha ha....

Anyway, also related to study breaks.... As much as living at home may not be my ideal situation right now, I have to admit that it's really, really, really nice when you're cramming away far into the evening and your mom knocks on your door and asks if you'd like her to make you a snack, coming back minutes later with a bowl full of fresh fruit on which to munch. Thanks, mom!


Jessie said...

oh my gosh.. I NEED that shirt!!!!

The Zwahlens said...

Here I am reading blogs during Abby's nap and trying to not snort while picturing this scene. Thanks a lot! (By the way, Abby is currently obsessed with the wooden wind chime and every time she asks to hear it, it makes me think of you!)

The Pauls said...

Elizabeth, you never fail to make me laugh...or at least giggle...or maybe titter a bit. ;0)

Elizabeth said...

Jessie - their blog is at http://thecocoabeancupcakecafe.blogspot.com/, maybe you can contact them to send you one? :)

Michelle and Michaella - Glad to make you laugh!

(and I'm glad Abby likes the wind chime)

The Zwahlens said...

Roy's cousin is heading to BYU-I and I told her about your amazing cupcakes. I told her she needs to go her first day being there and think of me (and then you). :) Did you know I have Carlie's blog linked to mine? She and Tyler Harding got married and they have a little girl named Hannah. Check it out!