Monday, March 16, 2009

I saw this sign today as I walked up from the Hart toward the MC. There have been quite a few problems recently at crosswalks (both drivers not paying attention and pedestrians wandering all over the place). The school has been working with the city to try to remedy this (including drumroll..... fixing the crosswalk signals on 2nd South!! I thought I would never live to see the day! Especially the way the cars barrel through that intersection).

I guess this sign is one of the other ways they are increasing awareness. I read it as I walked by, thought about it while walking, started to laugh nearly out loud, and turned around to take a picture. "Use crosswalks!" "Share the Road!" But it's the caption at the bottom that gets me "think of the impact you can make". Um... I thought the idea was to NOT make an impact.



The Frasers said...

Is that you in the reflection taking a picture? tehe Cool sign. Anyways, I wish they would show the car running over the pedestrians, better message I think...

Kyoo said...

Haha! I thought the same thing when I read that! Before I scrolled down and read your comment. Great minds do think alike.

One of these days we will catch up. Although I won't have to ask about your homework.....I just put my finger through a workout scrolling through all of it!

You're almost there. Soon you'll be graduated and done.

Until you start grad school that is!


Elizabeth said...

Yes, the car running someone over would send a much stronger message, but I think it might offend some people (pansies, mostly).

Teags - sorry I didn't get your call the other night. We should chat before I move back to Canadia and my number gets cancelled and all that junk. I mean, I'll have another one, but... it's not the same.